Slide is a chemically inert, non-oily, fast-drying lubricant and release agent made with an extremely fine Teflon fluorotelomer powder. Slide features outstanding, microscopic, film-forming properties and resists temperatures from -100oF to +500oF. It produces an odorless, stainless coating that is more slippery than silicone, graphite, or oil. It is excellent for reducing low-speed friction. Furthermore, SLIDE'S dry film is not affected by most chemicals. In addition, when used as a release agent, it allows parts to be painted without cleaning. Furthermore, SLIDE is non-chlorinated, non-hexane, and does not contain 1,1,1-Trichloroethane.
- Made with Teflon flurotelomer powder
- Produces odorless, stainless coating
- Chemically inert & fast-drying
- Non-chlorinated
- Non-hexane
- Outstanding film-forming properties
- Not affected by most chemicals
Best For Use In
- Golf Courses
- Farm Equipment
- Steel Mills
- Street/Road Departments
- Nursing Homes
- Construction Equipment
- Sewage Plants
- Hospitals
- Food Plants
- Tech Sheet

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