This product is formulated with special fortifying additives which allows it to withstand heavy impact and pounding pressures that are common among heavy equipment. This flexible grease is designed to stay in place and will not splatter, pound, or wash out of a bearing or fitting. Also, it contains a bentone base that is fortified with extreme pressure additives. Therefore, it pro-vides long life under heavy loads up to 50,000 psi-50 timken load. It is ideal for all areas where grease must stay in place under heavy loads for long periods of time. In addition, Hi-Flex is a non-melt grease and withstands temperatures above 550° F. Further-more, this product has superior water resistance and is also resistant against most acids, salt spray, steam, dirt, dust, and weath-er. Finally, extra rust, corrosion, and oxidation inhibitors have been blended into this product. This superior lubricant is highly recommended for all types of bearings, sliding applications, shock loading, pounding chassis, and load usage.
- Excellent pumpability
- Supreme water resistance
- Lasts longer than conventional greases
- Special rust and corrosion inhibitors
- Will not pound out under extreme pressure or heavy load
- Performs at a wide range of temperatures +550°F
- Excellent load carrying capability-50 timken load
- Resists most acids, weather, dirty water,steam, and oxidation
Best For Use In
- Golf Courses
- Construction
- Street Departments
- Road Departments
- Sewage Plants
- Asphalt Plants
- Feed Lots
- Farm Equipment
- Air Conditioning
- Oil Field
- Meat Plants
- Industrial
- Tech Sheet

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